
  • Tesla A Visionary Investment Or A Fool’s Trap?

    Imagine a world where every car on the road is a Tesla, a revolutionary scenario that could radically change how we organize cities and even the entire world. This is the belief of thousands of both retail and institutional investors. Together, they have pushed up the stock 1600% since 2019. But is the market positioning itself to rip the profits of such a revolution, or is it unconsciously creating a bubble that will hurt everyone involved with the stock? Following my recent post on the looming recession, I want to make the argument that Tesla shareholders are in a bubble and that their investment has the potential to collapse by…

  • Is There A Recession Around The Corner?

    Some of us are trying to become informed citizens, so we can make financial decisions accordingly. One of the things that one should determine is the direction the economy is taking.  That can be very challenging. It requires a lot of analysis, and it is very confusing because in the financial media you can find arguments that justify all possibilities. Regardless, one should still try to make sense out of things and get through the noise. Decide what is the direction the economy is headed and plan ahead.  Since we are not making this for a living, we most likely will get it wrong, but the goal here is to…

  • Stock Portfolio Review 2022

    Hey! Would you like to check how we did financially in the blog? Keep reading :)  The year is gone, and it is time to look at the performance of the stock portfolio we are tracking in the blog and see what comes in 2023.

  • 4 Ideas on How to Increase Your Financial Security

    If you are not involved in financial assets and think, why should you care? The truth is, as long as you have a bank account and use money, you are in the financial system and exposed as everyone is.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

  • 4 Reasons to Not Change Your Czech Crowns for Euros

    The other day a friend asked me if they should exchange their Czech crowns for Euros. They were concerned about inflation and the political madness around us. At that moment I didn’t have an opinion. The question bugged me for a while. My main source of income is Czech crown-based. So after doing a bit of thinking, here are my reasons why I will keep my Czech crowns. Reasons to not exchange your Czech crowns for Euros Debt to GDP: The debt of the Czech Republic is 42% of GDP vs 95% in the Eurozone. If the interest rates increase, it will be more expensive for governments to pay for…

  • 4 Reasons for a Stock Market Crash in 2022

    One of the fears of being invested is waking up one day and realizing that you are down 50% in an overnight market crash. When writing this post, the stock market is bleeding, we don’t know when it will stop or if it will continue, but instead of panic, we can prepare our financials for it and take advantage of the situation. What is a market crash? The most important and biggest market in the world is the US market. The US dollar is the world reserve currency. That is why we always look at the US economic situation. As a reference to define what a crash is, we have…

  • How Could Uranium Multiply Your Savings?

    I would like to introduce you to my favorite investment idea. The one that has the potential to multiply your savings in the short/medium term and set you up to meet your financial goals: Investing in Uranium.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

  • High oil prices

    The True Reason for High Oil Prices

    I will explain to you why the high oil prices were fated to happen no matter what. How that information could become an investment idea and what is the right financial instrument for when you don’t have a good grasp of the sector you are investing in.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.

  • Why Is Gold a Solution for Today?

    For thousands of years, gold has been used as a form of money, from before the Roman empire until nowadays. Gold is associated with something valuable, a fact that even reflects in some languages. In Czech, for example, the word darling derives from the word gold.View post to subscribe to site newsletter.